At 110 Total Dentistry we provide an out-of-hours emergency service as well as emergency appointments within practice hours. We can also open at weekends if required. We offer this service to both registered and non-registered patients. We can treat you on the same day if you require immediate assistance. Some of the following are considered dental emergencies.

Emergency Services
- Wisdom tooth pain
- Toothache
- Chipped and broken teeth
- Broken crown, veneers or bridges
- Gum infection
- Dental abscess
- Dental injury110 Total Dentistry
Handling dental emergencies
What is the best way to respond to dental emergencies? The simple answer to this is “Calmly and Quickly”. If a dental emergency happens stay calm and contact your dentist as quickly as possible. Trauma to the mouth and teeth can be lessened if action is taken immediately.
If you have toothache pain, you need to carefully clean the area of your tooth that is hurting with a very soft-bristle toothbrush and then floss. Rinse warm salt water around your mouth. It is important that you avoid placing aspirin on the gums or tooth, this may cause a burn. If you experience face swelling, apply an ice or cold compress. Following this we would advise takeing Ibuprofen, then calling a Dentist as quickly as you can.
Knocked out tooth
If your tooth is knocked out of your jaw, contact a Dentist immediately. Getting dental care within one hour of the incident is vital to a successful re-implanting of the tooth. The following steps are our recommendations:
- Pickup the lost tooth.
- Gently rinse any debris off of the tooth with water. (Do not scrub the tooth, as this may damage fragile cells on the tooth root required to successfully implant the tooth back into your jaw bone).
- To transport a lost tooth we suggest holding it between your cheek and gums with you tongue, alternatively wrap it in a clean cloth or gauze soaked with saline solution (salt water) or milk. Keeping the tooth moist can increase the chance of re-implantation.
Loosened tooth
If your tooth is pushed outward or inward, using the tip of your finger try to reposition, only apply very light / gentle pressure. (Please remember not to attempt to try and force the tooth into it’s socket.) Then contact a Dentist as quickly as you can. On the way to your dentist, try to stabilise the tooth and hold it in place with a small moist tissue or gauze.
Chipped or fractured tooth
Chipped or fractured teeth can often be repaired with swift dental care. If ya tooth is chipped or fractured the procedure that we recommend is as follows:
- Contact your Dentist right away.
- If your tooth is chipped, find the missing piece and carry it in a moist cloth or sealable bag with a few drops of water / saliva. (If the chip is kept in good condition, it may be possible to reattach it to your tooth).
- Rinse your mouth in warm water and keep it clean until you reach your dentist. Treatment success will vary depending upon how bad the damage is – from smoothing out a chipped tooth surface area to bonding a tooth-colored material to repair the chip or placing a crown on to the tooth. IMPORTANT – If there has been damage to your tooth’s nerve, then you may well need Root Canal Treatment.
Soft tissue injury
To help prepare for dental emergencies, you should consider carrying a small dental emergency kit, this should include a small handkerchief, gauze, a small sealable container with a good lid, saline solution, water and your dentist’s phone number. If a dental emergency should happen then you should immediately contact your dentist. Remember to keep calm.
- If your lips, tongue or cheeks are bitten, punctured or cut, there could be bleeding. Apply firm pressure to stop blood flow, to the injured area with clean gauze or cloth. If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, contact your Dentist immediately. Stitches may be necessary to close the wound.
- If no bleeding has occurred, soak a piece of cloth or gause in warm water and clean the affected area very gently. Following this you should then apply an ice or cold compress. If swelling or pain does not reduce following this you should then contact your Dentist for additional help.
Quality Dentist London – Emergency Dental Treatment London